We’re not real doctors, we just channel them in marketing.

We’re not real doctors, we just channel them in marketing.
Paige Lampert

Doctors need to advertise.

It may not be a popular sentiment, or one the consumer likes to acknowledge, but it’s true. We’re all better served when physicians — like those at Great Basin Orthopaedics (GBO) — can focus on providing care rather than getting patients in the door.

And Estipona Group can focus on building a brand rather than dispensing unsolicited medical advice (you’re welcome).

Great Basin Orthopaedics website

Estipona Group has worked with the physicians of GBO for more than five years — through a merger, a name change and two office moves. We have developed a new logo and collateral for the group, built their website, managed photoshoots, written blogs and helped manage their social media. We’ve made sponsorship banners to hang at sporting events, program ads and even a holiday greeting card.

While GBO has purchased off-the-shelf holiday cards in the past, they wanted something unique this year. Specifically, they wanted to highlight their providers in a fun way that also expressed their holiday spirit. After internal brainstorming, the creative team had seven concepts for the card. Rough comping all the ideas enabled them to whittle down to the three strongest concepts to show the client. Snow angel doctors won out over elf doctors and personalized stockings hung on the mantle. 

Our relationship with GBO, and all of our healthcare clients, is necessarily collaborative. Despite our internal team meetings, during which we offer each other insights into our seemingly endless knowledge of medical conditions, prescription medication and the causes of various rashes, we are not, in fact, medical experts (we know you’re shocked). So, we rely on copious amounts of research and the GBO staff to keep our social media and blogging efforts accurate (see the recent article on the opioid threat).

healthcare team pictures

Very active community supporters, the GBO physicians and staff spend their “off time” volunteering and participating at community events. The physicians specifically volunteer their time and talents with Wolf Pack Athletics, area high school sports teams and The Reno Rodeo. This gives us even more to talk about on their social media channels.

Together, we are able to communicate their commitment to community.

If you’d like to discuss ways to market your business that don’t feel like “marketing,” or if you just want a unique and slightly offbeat greeting card, give us a call. We’d love to chat and learn about your business.

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