3 Million Reasons COVID-19 vaccine campaign
The challenge
When our client Immunize Nevada became responsible for all COVID-19 vaccine communications in the state, Estipona Group became responsible for all COVID-19 vaccine communications in the state. It was, unquestionably, the largest, most daunting, and most important marketing challenge of our careers — and likely our lifetimes.
Much of Nevada is still a western frontier state, rural and politically and socially conservative. From our years working on Nevada flu and general vaccine communications, we knew some of the obstacles we would encounter to vaccine uptake — resistance to government mandates, distrust of healthcare institutions, fierce independence, politically-fueled disinformation. But the novelty of the disease and the new vaccine posed challenges it was difficult to anticipate and even harder to overcome. We needed to inspire every Nevadan to choose COVID-19 vaccination.

3 Million Reasons was the campaign theme — an inclusive approach to protecting all three million people living in Nevada against COVID-19 infection. Why three million? Because the state is home to approximately three million people and every single one matters — their lives matter, their health matters, their livelihoods matter. Protecting every Nevadan from COVID-19 honors their value. Those who are eligible for vaccination can protect themselves, their loved ones, and their community by preventing spread.
Three million people offer three million unique reasons to support COVID-19 vaccination, and each person has their own reason for choosing to vaccinate. A wide spectrum of Nevadans share their reasons for getting vaccinated in this multi-media campaign designed to inspire and inform. The inclusive communication strategy acknowledged both the self-interest of protecting oneself, and the power of doing something for the greater good.

The Results
- 746,639,143 Total campaign impressions
- 132,736 Social Media Engagements
- 300+ Earned Media Hits
- 2,000,000+ Referrals driven from Immunize Nevada and NV Covid Fighter websites to vaccination partners