Reno Deserves Spectacular Things

Reno Deserves Spectacular Things

Collectively, we at the Estipona Group have seen — and even experienced — resistance to the idea that Reno deserves spectacular things. We believe that sometimes, Reno has suffered from an identity crisis of sorts, seeming to buy into some of the less favorable characterizations others throw our way; that uncoordinated, sometimes haphazard development has produced bits and pieces of success, but that nothing has created that cohesive vision that Reno deserves; that the region is often labeled according to lore rather than reality.

But we all know something different. We all feel in our hearts something so very different. That is only one of the many reasons we are insanely excited about contributing to the Don J Clark Group’s West 2nd District, in a role that perfectly coalesces their goals and ours.


We’re honored they’ve asked us to help tell the countless transformative stories of the District and awaken us all to the many joys inherent to a project of this magnitude.

And if that sounds dreamy and lofty, so be it: The dream of the West 2nd District is soon to be a reality, and we get to help people understand it. How cool is that?

Our team also has seen, and in some cases contributed to, dramatic local improvements. We have witnessed a run-down B Street transform into a thriving hub known as Victorian Square. We have helped market projects like ReTRAC, working to open the collective public’s eyes to the beauty and functionality of the fully realized end result. We have worked on behalf of the RiverWalk District, telling the stories that encouraged people to return downtown to a brand new theater and commercial district in an effort to transform a once-blighted area into a walkable community. We have watched as Midtown has taken root and thrived.

We have attended WIN, Chamber of Commerce, EDAWN and City of Reno meetings where our community’s leaders have shared the evidence of this revitalization, along with future plans for our beloved city.

And we see the same bold, exhilarating trajectory for the West 2nd District.

When we started researching the project, it was these few sentences on the project’s website that sealed the deal for us:

“We’re not here to simply erect structures and broker real estate. We’re here to engineer empathy, build opportunity, and create bold new definitions of social, cultural, economic, and environmental prosperity. We’re here to invest in that unique brand of the infrastructure known as humanity. To lift everyone higher.”

In this paragraph, the Don J Clark Group has infused a sincere sense of humanity into a residential/commercial development project. And this is the beauty of this project — the fact that while the West 2nd District will build affordable housing, it will also create community pride; that while it will foster business, it will also invite creative cultural expression and profound appreciation for art and environment.

Anyone who has worked with the members of the Estipona Group team over the last 24 years knows how committed we are to serving our community. We know we live in a city that is coming into its own, and we are working every day to improve it, strengthen it, and rally behind it.

Our team has a vested interest in helping Reno achieve its full potential. We are passionate about our community — a community in which we’re raising families and/or establishing strong roots from which to build future successes.

Members of the Don J Clark Group have dreams for our community. And so do we. Now it’s time to roll up our sleeves and start the hard work of helping to transform those dreams into reality.

Reno deserves spectacular things. And we’re honored to help support the Don J. Clark Group, as they make the West 2nd District a truly spectacular place to live, work and play.

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