We've Been Hired to Help Make This Year the Year of STEM

We've Been Hired to Help Make This Year the Year of STEM
Agency News

Reno, Nev. (3/30/17) – The Governor’s Office of Science, Innovation and Technology (OSIT) has hired the Estipona Group for the creation of a new website: www.stemhub.nv.gov. The website functions as a comprehensive resource site for students, parents, educators and business leaders to help fulfill the state’s efforts in making Nevada the premiere workforce supplier for advanced STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) fields.

STEM education prepares students for STEM careers, and these careers are necessary for the economic vitality of our state. Governor Brian Sandoval has made the commitment to invest in K-12 STEM education and STEM workforce training so that all Nevadans have the skills the New Nevada economy requires. “It is our hope that this site will help turn his vision into reality,” said Brian Mitchell.

“The website is easy to use and guides any viewer to the information most appropriate for them. It allows them to engage with the content in a fun way,” said Mitchell, “It’s an especially great resource for young people who want to learn more about the career opportunities available to them.”

Assembly Bill 485 reestablished the Office of Science, Innovation and Technology in the Office of the Governor.  The mission of the Office is to coordinate and align efforts by K-12 and higher education, workforce development and employers to improve STEM education and workforce development so that Nevada’s workforce can meet the demands of its growing economy.  The Office will also coordinate broadband activities, support the Advisory Council on STEM and administer STEM workforce challenge grants.

For more than 24 years, the Estipona Group Advertising and Public Relations team has been providing marketing communications that capture attention, engage audiences and deliver results to local, regional and national clients based throughout the United States. For more information, visit www.estiponagroup.com.

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