Estipona Group Launches 2 Nevada-Bolstering Websites in a Single Month

Estipona Group Launches 2 Nevada-Bolstering Websites in a Single Month
Agency Work
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If the Estipona Group had to collectively compile a Top 10 list of potential superpowers, near the top of the list would be “Help build Nevada’s future workforce.”

Also near the top would be “creating superpowers at will.” (Wouldn’t that be the coolest??? Then we wouldn’t have to choose — we’d have them all! Mwahahahaha.)

But back to the future workforce thingie: While not exactly a superpower per se, the Estipona Group recently launched two new websites for Nevada state agencies that serve that goal, ultimately helping job seekers develop rewarding careers. The Nevada STEM Hub was created for the Governor’s Office of Science, Innovation and Technology, and Career Path Nevada was built for the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Interested in STEM careers? Visit Nevada STEM Hub

The Nevada STEM Hub website helps students, parents, educators, and area businesses better understand STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and the opportunities a STEM education offers.

website design

Key site features include:

  • an interactive STEM career guide
  • extensive STEM resources
  • forums for parents and educators
  • an events calendar with STEM-specific activities like camps, classes, workshops

In addition to the website, the Estipona Group created a Nevada STEM Hub identity package and collateral materials.

“With the huge growth in STEM jobs coming to Nevada, we knew we needed to create an exciting, recognizable awareness campaign highlighting the full spectrum of STEM opportunities and the pathways to success in the New Nevada,” says Brian Mitchell, Director of the State of Nevada Governor’s Office of Science, Innovation and Technology. “The Estipona Group helped us develop practical and meaningful ways to support our STEM education initiatives, including an interactive, fun website and playful logo.”

Complex, Dare We Say Engaging Career Education Data at a Glance? Totally Not a Myth

Career Path Nevada was commissioned by the Nevada System of Higher Education to provide a simple, interactive way to explore complex state career education data.

Translation: We were asked to make potentially boring and wonkish info, primarily presented in spreadsheets and graphs, into something interactive, interesting and useful. In keeping with the goal, Estipona Group designers and programmers developed an animated report that offers career data based on hundreds of different academic areas of study.

Designed for students, career switchers, educators and businesses, Career Path Nevada’s key website features include:

  • reports that can be viewed on screen or printed with a click
  • a Hot Jobs section featuring the fastest growing Nevada career sectors
  • easy-to-research data on career education and growing career fields

“A variety of stakeholders need this data – from high school students looking for information about different academic programs and related occupations, to those in higher education developing needed programs for workforce demand, to those who are considering business relocation and need information on available workforce,” explains Linda Heiss, Senior Director of Institutional Research, Nevada System of Higher Education. “But it needs to be accessible and user friendly. The Estipona Group was able to develop a website that is intuitive and engaging while also being informative.”

Estipona Group founder Edward (wait for it) Estipona said this kind of work falls in line with the agency’s mission. He says efforts that support education and help our state better prepare for a prosperous future are ideal projects for the Estipona Group.

“We absolutely care about the place we call home,” Estipona explains. “These were rewarding projects both creatively and strategically. It feels good to help our state keep moving in the right direction.”

Care to explore other Estipona-created websites? Try this. Or go here. You might enjoy this. Or totally click this. But not this. (Just joking, you can click that one, too.)

Want us to superpower your website? Send us a request. Or use the Bat Signal. That works, too.

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